Monday 8 June 2015

Let's Talk Fatigue

This past week or two I have been reasonably well. Which is good. I guess. I haven't been in that much pain, and I will wake up some morning and feel nothing. It doesn't feel real sometimes. But there are something that have not gone away. 

My on going symptoms
  • Back pains 
  • Limping 
  • Fatigue  
Yes. Those are the on going things. I limp almost everywhere I go, cause my hip will be in pain, then my knee will be in pain, then my legs will just be tired. The back pains have not stopped since they started on Anzac day in April... Slow claps... 
But what I really want to talk about it the Fatigue. One of the on going symptoms. 

Fatigue definition: Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.

My mum had made the point that I am not very fit. So my body is not in a very good shape. And that is why I was always so tired. But not this kind of tired. Before I was sick, I would get tiered cause my body was not up to date with fitness. But then I would recover, and have energy to do the next thing. 

Fatigue is where you have NO energy what so ever. And what little energy you have, is sucked dry from walking across the room. A normal person has a battery like in a phone. It is easily recharged. A person with fatigue, is like a normal battery. It dies, and you can never use that battery again. Once you are sucked dry from you energy. You may never have it back till the next day.

Some days my body will feel like it has gone to sleep. And I can only move my fingers, while my entire body has collapsed. 
It is sometimes painful. Having fatigue is not just being tired. It is the kind of tired where your muscles ache with even the thought of moving. It controls you. You can not sleep it away. You can not rest it away. You can't even will it away. 

I thought of the best way to explain it. You know when you are dreaming. And you are running. But your legs are not moving. And although you run, your body is straining, the pain from the tired legs. You keep running, but you don't really go anywhere. Well that is what it feels like in real life.  

I'm just tired of feeling tired. Things like raising my arms above my head, makes me loose breath. After one little thing like that, my entire body has to suffer for it. Like I said at the start. I have been feeling better. Even though it is my monthly and a flu that will not leave me alone. I can think clear, and I am not in as much pain as I had been for a while. My body is taking a break which is good. But I know it has not gone away. I can feel it coming back. I know that it is still there, and I am going to be hit hard it the head. I don't like not knowing when that is going to happen. 

I have crutches now. But I am scared to use them in public. But I know I am going to have to use them at some point... All in good time. 

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