Saturday 30 May 2015

Learning How to Use My Spoons

That is right. I said spoons. Many of people will be wondering what the heck I am talking about. And to be serious. I had no idea what it meant till only a couple of days ago.

I am still learning how to handle my ever changing life with a chronic illness. It's hard. I am not able to do even little things I use to be able to do. Taking a shower, though nice, I will have to pay for it with utter exhaustion afterward. Just cause I was standing and moving my body for the time I was in there. That is why I take them at night, so that I will just sleep afterward. Things like brushing my teeth, hand writing, drawing, typing, making food. All this is becoming harder as the days go by.
Though I still push myself. I keep on wanting to be able to do what I use to.

Back to spoons. A lady called Christine Miserandino is a sufferer of Lupus. Which is not a very nice disease. I believe it is where your immune system starts to attack your own tissue and organs. It is very painful for the person who has it. One day when she was in collage. Her friend and her we eating out, and her friend asked her what it was like to live with her sickness. And that was when she came up with the spoon theory. (Link to her articular here)

You only get a certain amount of spoons a day. Twelve or maybe eight spoons. (metaphorical spoons) Each spoon is worth something that takes effort during the day. Getting out of bed, that uses one spoon. Getting ready, another spoon gone. This is a system to help you think about how much energy you are going to be using on each move. Making you think deeper and harder about how you are going to carry out that day. Walking to the shops, is it worth the spoon?
These are all life choices I am having to make. I use to walk to the Plazer with my friends from course, once or maybe even twice a day. But I have had to stop doing that. Cause it is using up valuable energy that I could be using to get work done. Also I am finding it hard to walk. I am becoming slower and slower.
Though I'm still learning how to do this. I am so use to living with energy. Today I tried using the spoon method. Then lost count. I get side tracked, when I need to be thinking about the end result of things. But I will get better at this. And one day I will be able to handle my spoons.

Really all you can do when you wake up in the morning. Is drag your but out of bed, and put on a brave face. Freaking smile too. Learning that my body is ever crashing on me, is a lot to take in. Not being able to do things, always feeling tired and in pain, is a heart wrenching. It's hard. But like it says in the bible, there is a time for for crying and a time for happiness.
There is a time to cry. Trust me, I've cried a lot. We all have braking moments. But what I have learnt the most, is you cannot let your condition bring you down. Put on a brave face, smile, be happy, but don't fake it. Really be happy. Through this whole thing, I have chosen to be happy, even when my body is giving me hell.
At youth group when my body is in turmoil. When I'd rather crying, and be mopey. I chose to be joyful. It doesn't make it any better. Because, what would that do for me? Well it would just make others around me miserable.
So that is my long talk. I want to write more. But they are all on different subjects. So will be back with more.

May the odds be ever in your favor... and may your spoons help you on.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

100 Facts about Me

I thought maybe it would be best to share a bit about myself. And by a bit. I mean a hundred things. I have done this on my other blog. But I think it would be cool to add an addition over here...

Before I start, I have to say. My body is not being kind to me at the moment. I am avoiding walking at all costs cause my legs are in so much pain. And my back has been in a never ending flare up. Also for the record. I have no idea what they put in disprin... but it is sickly sweet...

  1. I am addicted to YA novels 
  2. I have this weird things for maps 
  3. My inspirational person John Green 
  4. The character I can relate to the most is Hazel Grace Lancaster from TFIOS
  5. I hardly ever use my phone 
  6. It's on my bucket list to run in high heels 
  7. I like coffee, and wine (when I can get it...)
  8. I hardly ever wear make-up
  9. My hair is getting really long 
  10. I want to be a YouTuber  
  11. I want to take up photography 
  12. I want to be a professional at using Photoshop 
  13.  Pinterest is a big part of my life
  14. I'm often detached 
  15. I'm in love with my electric blanket #bae 
  16. Numbers jumble when I see them in a math problem 
  17. I have perfect eyesight 
  18. I want to be a dancer
  19. I want to swim with a whale 
  20. I quote (a lot)
  21. I'm not scared of driving 
  22. I was named after a cyborg 
  23. I've never gotten below an A in a project
  24. I'm going to get ombre in my hair for my birthday 
  25. I cut my own bangs
  26. I'm like deep water
  27. I use metaphors religiously
  28. Taylor Swift is amazing
  29. I often feel lonely 
  30. I internally scream... a lot 
  31. I've never had a boyfriend 
  32. I'm good at keeping secrets
  33. I have my own signature
  34. I have an eating disorder 
  35. I am pretty good at typing 
  36. I want to go to a school ball 
  37. I have Fibromyalgia 
  38. I'm a writer
  39. I'm 17 soon 
  40. I want to be a mermaid
  41. I like fire
  42. If I could do one thing right now, it would be RUN
  43. I am yet to find the perfect hoodie
  44. I want to jump from a moving train like Dauntless
  45. I'm an INFJ
  46. My eye color is a lot of colors 
  47. I've never smoked
  48. I have a wild side (I promise)
  49. I want a Russian ascent 
  50. I am often jealous of people
  51. I love Spotify 
  52. The thought of swinging from a chandelier fascinates me
  53. I kind of want a pet dragon
  54. Chocolate
  55. I never cry in front of people 
  56. Never been out of the country 
  57. Anything glow in the dark 
  58. I'm a good listener
  59. Cake is nice
  60. I'm Batman...
  61. I'm also Dory 
  62. I cried through out the Hunger Games trilogy
  63. I love big Te-shirts
  64. Blood makes me sick 
  65. I want to go to New York for some reason
  66. Goal is to win a Award 
  67. I get stage fright
  68. I like to sing
  69. My TBR has about 60 books on it 
  70. I'm tired
  71. I have always loved the feel of silk
  72. Hardly anyone calls me by my nick name 
  73. I came last in every cross country I ran 
  74. I'm a pretty good cook 
  75. I want to fly
  76. I fear Oblivion 
  77. I have a Tumblr
  78. I also have twitter
  79. I think I'm 5.6 (feet)
  80. I had a TV in my room once
  81. I am a leader in sundayschool 
  82. I have to spell "Okay" with an "ay" any other way will drive me crazy
  83. People spell my name wrong a lot 
  84. I never planned my wedding. And only start to think on the subject this year
  85. I cry in just about any book
  86. I say SORRY a lot 
  87. I like to draw hair 
  88. I don't like mirrors
  89. I hate the smell of a hospital 
  90. I can play sport... I just wont do it...
  91. Candles 
  92. I own many scarfs. But I never wear them
  93. I'm not a huge fan of Christmas 
  94. I find it hard to wear bling 
  95. Physical affection is not my love language. But it is often the kind of love I crave the most.  
  96. I love the song Say Something
  97. I play the piano 
  98. I was born in 1998
  99. I talk a lot some times. Then other times I will say nothing 
  100. I'm alive

Monday 25 May 2015

The Start of my Journey

Dear Friends, Family, fellow Warriors, and People I don't know.

Welcome to my second blog. This is my more personal blog. Where I want to share my journey. I have my other blog Stained Glass Windows, where I share all about my writing, and other such inspiration. It is the love of my life. So take a look... 

I want to start this blog with me. Now I am a lot of things. But first and foremost, I am Rachel. The girl who likes to draw, read, and write stories with deep meanings. The girl who is still looking for God in the hard places. That is one thing I want to make clear. If you take away everything away, you are left with a person, a human. YOU.

Before I tell you the start of my story, I want to tell you the present.  On May 20th I was officially diagnosed with Fibromylgia. (look it up if you may... I shan't go into detail right away) 

It have spent a long time back tracking. Searching for the answers. Looking for where it first started. My story started on April 3rd, this year. I was on camp, we were doing top team. I stuffed up my leg on the water slide. A piece of garden plastic on the ground with dish washing liquid and water. I cramped my leg.  And it stayed that way for five hours. My body had never gone through so much pain before. It wiped me out for the rest of the camp.
Then for the weeks after, my leg still hurt. I knew it was going to be like that. But the pain in the joint never went away, and my legs started to become more and more tired. Walking was becoming a hard task.
Then it was early May that I started to experience back pains. And server migraines. It was round that time that I gave in a decided it was time to go to the doctor. I had a never to forget blood test, in which I almost passed out, and a chest scan for the back pain. All the results came back clean. There was nothing wrong with me. So we went back, and gave him the the list of ever growing symptoms. The doctor checked the tender points, and told us that he thought it was Fibromylgia. (I didn't pick up the word at first.) We took another blood test to test for glandular fever. But that to came back clean.  So that confirmed it... That is just the brief run down.

What does it mean from here? Well, living. Fighting. Breathing.

I will be posting as often as I can. Just about stuff. I really don't know. I'm not feeling all that comfortable about people reading this blog. The posts will be more casual than this one.

May the Odds be ever in your favor... :)