Monday 25 May 2015

The Start of my Journey

Dear Friends, Family, fellow Warriors, and People I don't know.

Welcome to my second blog. This is my more personal blog. Where I want to share my journey. I have my other blog Stained Glass Windows, where I share all about my writing, and other such inspiration. It is the love of my life. So take a look... 

I want to start this blog with me. Now I am a lot of things. But first and foremost, I am Rachel. The girl who likes to draw, read, and write stories with deep meanings. The girl who is still looking for God in the hard places. That is one thing I want to make clear. If you take away everything away, you are left with a person, a human. YOU.

Before I tell you the start of my story, I want to tell you the present.  On May 20th I was officially diagnosed with Fibromylgia. (look it up if you may... I shan't go into detail right away) 

It have spent a long time back tracking. Searching for the answers. Looking for where it first started. My story started on April 3rd, this year. I was on camp, we were doing top team. I stuffed up my leg on the water slide. A piece of garden plastic on the ground with dish washing liquid and water. I cramped my leg.  And it stayed that way for five hours. My body had never gone through so much pain before. It wiped me out for the rest of the camp.
Then for the weeks after, my leg still hurt. I knew it was going to be like that. But the pain in the joint never went away, and my legs started to become more and more tired. Walking was becoming a hard task.
Then it was early May that I started to experience back pains. And server migraines. It was round that time that I gave in a decided it was time to go to the doctor. I had a never to forget blood test, in which I almost passed out, and a chest scan for the back pain. All the results came back clean. There was nothing wrong with me. So we went back, and gave him the the list of ever growing symptoms. The doctor checked the tender points, and told us that he thought it was Fibromylgia. (I didn't pick up the word at first.) We took another blood test to test for glandular fever. But that to came back clean.  So that confirmed it... That is just the brief run down.

What does it mean from here? Well, living. Fighting. Breathing.

I will be posting as often as I can. Just about stuff. I really don't know. I'm not feeling all that comfortable about people reading this blog. The posts will be more casual than this one.

May the Odds be ever in your favor... :)

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