Tuesday 26 May 2015

100 Facts about Me

I thought maybe it would be best to share a bit about myself. And by a bit. I mean a hundred things. I have done this on my other blog. But I think it would be cool to add an addition over here...

Before I start, I have to say. My body is not being kind to me at the moment. I am avoiding walking at all costs cause my legs are in so much pain. And my back has been in a never ending flare up. Also for the record. I have no idea what they put in disprin... but it is sickly sweet...

  1. I am addicted to YA novels 
  2. I have this weird things for maps 
  3. My inspirational person John Green 
  4. The character I can relate to the most is Hazel Grace Lancaster from TFIOS
  5. I hardly ever use my phone 
  6. It's on my bucket list to run in high heels 
  7. I like coffee, and wine (when I can get it...)
  8. I hardly ever wear make-up
  9. My hair is getting really long 
  10. I want to be a YouTuber  
  11. I want to take up photography 
  12. I want to be a professional at using Photoshop 
  13.  Pinterest is a big part of my life
  14. I'm often detached 
  15. I'm in love with my electric blanket #bae 
  16. Numbers jumble when I see them in a math problem 
  17. I have perfect eyesight 
  18. I want to be a dancer
  19. I want to swim with a whale 
  20. I quote (a lot)
  21. I'm not scared of driving 
  22. I was named after a cyborg 
  23. I've never gotten below an A in a project
  24. I'm going to get ombre in my hair for my birthday 
  25. I cut my own bangs
  26. I'm like deep water
  27. I use metaphors religiously
  28. Taylor Swift is amazing
  29. I often feel lonely 
  30. I internally scream... a lot 
  31. I've never had a boyfriend 
  32. I'm good at keeping secrets
  33. I have my own signature
  34. I have an eating disorder 
  35. I am pretty good at typing 
  36. I want to go to a school ball 
  37. I have Fibromyalgia 
  38. I'm a writer
  39. I'm 17 soon 
  40. I want to be a mermaid
  41. I like fire
  42. If I could do one thing right now, it would be RUN
  43. I am yet to find the perfect hoodie
  44. I want to jump from a moving train like Dauntless
  45. I'm an INFJ
  46. My eye color is a lot of colors 
  47. I've never smoked
  48. I have a wild side (I promise)
  49. I want a Russian ascent 
  50. I am often jealous of people
  51. I love Spotify 
  52. The thought of swinging from a chandelier fascinates me
  53. I kind of want a pet dragon
  54. Chocolate
  55. I never cry in front of people 
  56. Never been out of the country 
  57. Anything glow in the dark 
  58. I'm a good listener
  59. Cake is nice
  60. I'm Batman...
  61. I'm also Dory 
  62. I cried through out the Hunger Games trilogy
  63. I love big Te-shirts
  64. Blood makes me sick 
  65. I want to go to New York for some reason
  66. Goal is to win a Award 
  67. I get stage fright
  68. I like to sing
  69. My TBR has about 60 books on it 
  70. I'm tired
  71. I have always loved the feel of silk
  72. Hardly anyone calls me by my nick name 
  73. I came last in every cross country I ran 
  74. I'm a pretty good cook 
  75. I want to fly
  76. I fear Oblivion 
  77. I have a Tumblr
  78. I also have twitter
  79. I think I'm 5.6 (feet)
  80. I had a TV in my room once
  81. I am a leader in sundayschool 
  82. I have to spell "Okay" with an "ay" any other way will drive me crazy
  83. People spell my name wrong a lot 
  84. I never planned my wedding. And only start to think on the subject this year
  85. I cry in just about any book
  86. I say SORRY a lot 
  87. I like to draw hair 
  88. I don't like mirrors
  89. I hate the smell of a hospital 
  90. I can play sport... I just wont do it...
  91. Candles 
  92. I own many scarfs. But I never wear them
  93. I'm not a huge fan of Christmas 
  94. I find it hard to wear bling 
  95. Physical affection is not my love language. But it is often the kind of love I crave the most.  
  96. I love the song Say Something
  97. I play the piano 
  98. I was born in 1998
  99. I talk a lot some times. Then other times I will say nothing 
  100. I'm alive

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